Welcome to Our Fire Company
Blawnox Volunteer Fire Company, Station 111 proudly protects 1550 people living in an area of 1.0 square miles. We operate out of 2 stations that protect a primarily residential area. Our company is a public department whose members are on a volunteer status.
Our fire company provides quality service within Blawnox and surrounding communities by request. We are recognized by the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and the Office of the State Fire Commissioner thru the Pennsylvania Voluntary Rescue Services Recognition (VRSR) program as a Level 2a Swiftwater Team. We are the first team in the state to reach this level of recognition. We are also certified by the Pennsylvania Department of Health as a Quick Response Service (QRS). In 2024, the Blawnox Volunteer Fire Company responded to a total of 559 calls. Blawnox Fire Company members are 100% volunteer.
History of Blawnox-Glenover VFC
The Blawnox-Glenover Volunteer Fire Company was formed on February 6, 1921, following a fire at a store on 3rd Street in Hoboken. Mr. Warne Repine, then station master at Parkview (workhouse stop), and Justice of the Peace, sent an application to Harrisburg for charter of the department. The charter was granted on March 6, 1922. The first Blawnox Fire Station was donated by the Blaw-Knox Company and was located on Blaw Avenue across from the Company Office. This station was equipped with a pot bellied stove, pool table, a few chairs and a small table used for business. The new fire department was able to purchase old army raincoats and oil skin hats. Their first dress uniform consisted of white duck trousers, white shirts, black bow ties and railroad conductor’s hat with a fire badge on it. Due to the fact the motor in the first truck was not strong enough to pull it up Blaw Avenue with men riding on it, a rule was made and no fireman, except the driver, were permitted to get on the truck before it reached Freeport Road. The remaining firemen pushed it up the hill and then mounted the truck. The first major fire in Blawnox was on Freeport Road at Center Avenue. It was a store owned and operated by David “Daddy” Lang. The present Municipal Building was dedicated on June, 8 1939 and the Fire Company moved in shortly after. The Women’s Auxiliary was organized October 7, 1929, at the old fire house on Blaw Avenue. The charter for the Women’s Auxiliary was granted on March 12, 1941. In 1974 the two stations answered 17 fire alarms and 102 ambulance calls. There were 25 active firefighters in 1974. At this time, we have 34 active firefighters and answered 505 calls in 2023.

On our original charter in 1922 the fire company’s name was listed as Blawnox-Glenover Volunteer Fire Company. The name Blawnox comes from the name Blaw-Knox Steel Company based in Hoboken which is present day Blawnox. Glenover is a little harder to track down. It is believed to refer to Glenover Farms which is roughly shown in this image. It could also be in reference to the train station of same name that was located on Freeport Rd.